Kundalini is coiled energy symbolized
as a coiled serpent that rests at the base of the spine.
When this dormant energy uncoils and flows freely upward
through the seven chakras (energy centers) in the sushumna
channel in the spinal cord, it transforms the practitioner
into an expanded state of consciousness, bliss, and peace.
Peace is a force, a universal energy that resides within
you, and vibrates in every cell of your body. Let it
shine, dance, and be alive in you. Trusting the Infinite
takes us on a journey, from intuition and insight, to our
relationships with others, and finally to the experience
of our destiny, to heal and uplift everyone we touch.
“The purpose of Kundalini Yoga is
transformation.” -Yogi
"Healing Kundalini Yoga: The Water Element"